RMG Sector is a B2B platform, all products of Garment and Textile sector can be Buy-Sell here.
We have more than 20 thousand registered buyers from all over the world and they buy more than 3 million products every month from our platform. Such as domestic and foreign apparel brands, apparel importers, wholesalers, retailers and showroom buyers. We need garment product suppliers and manufacturers on our platform to supply the products as per the buyer's demand. If you are involved in the business of garment related products then you can sell your products very easily and quickly. Besides, you can also collect work orders for factories from our platform. With thousands of companies and products listing on our platform every day, traders can now easily sell products on rmgsector.com.
Just as you are looking for buyers for your product or factory to grow your business, a buyer is looking for a supplier or manufacturer as per his needs to grow his business. On our platform, buyers are constantly viewing the posts of various suppliers and manufacturers and ordering products as per their needs. In such a situation if your company profile and product post is listed on rmgsector.com then it will be a golden opportunity for your business. Post your business and products on rmgsector.com to grow your business and increase business sales. If your product or organization is preferred, the buyer or buyer's agent will contact you directly.
Why should you join RMG Sector Platform:
1. Advertise your business to buyers around the world.
2. Get the correct price of your product according to the international market.
3. There is no commission to be paid on your sale.
4. You can sell products directly to buyers and take orders from buyers.
5. Avail various loan types/terms.
6. Helping you find the right buyer for your product and business.
7. It will help you create a proper profile for your business organization.
8. Will help to send products and bring payment to any country.
9. 3 verification postings will be provided along with completely free listing training.
10. Verified buyer's contract details like email address, contract number, LinkedIn profile and address will be supported.
How you sell your products or collect work orders for your factory on rmgsector.com:
1. Your name, 2. Mail address, 3. Mobile number, 4. Copy of NID card, 5. Business trade license copy and 6. You have to become our premium member/seller by paying the membership fee.
You will also get the opportunity to post 3 verifications for free on our platform from your normal account. By posting verification you will know if your post is listing correctly. If your post is correct we will publish your post shortly and notify you by mail. Note that we publish free verification posts for a short period of time, we do not promote these posts. If you want to sell your products or get job orders then you must be our premium member/seller.
Process to become Premium Member/Seller:
1. You have to register with your name, new password, mail address and mobile number from www.rmgsector.com website.
2. After the registration, a verification link will be sent to your mail, click on the link to verify your new account.
3. Go to the website again and login with your email address and password.
4. Then you can buy the package according to your needs by clicking on Membership Packages at the very bottom of the home page.
5. Then mail or Whatsapp your name, mail address, mobile number, NID card copy and business trade license copy. We will check all your documents and activate your membership/seller account within 24 hours.
Mail Address: support@rmgsector.com
Whatsapp: +88 01737047454
You can contact us through mail and whatsapp for any need.
How to post in any category:
Stock Lot: Stock Lot Sellers post all your in-house in-stock products and accurate descriptions with images of your sourced products. Each design will be posted separately. Must add your mobile and hotsap number with the post.
Fresh Order: If you are a supplier of fresh order products, post the images and details of all the products you have separately by design. Also post the designs that you will come later. Then you can collect some advance orders before the new designs arrive.
If you are manufacturing fresh order products in your factory then first post your company profile in factory category of rmgsector.com. Posting your company profile in this category will increase the chances of getting order based jobs. Buyers will visit your profile and order their work from you if they like it. So try to list your profile correctly. If you need emergency work in your factory, you will post in the factory category with factory details by writing work required in the title. Then list in the Fresh Order category with some pictures and description of your previous work. List each item separately that you have made or can make in your factory. Try to add at least one new post every week.
Fabrics: All types of Fabrics Traders like Stock Fabrics, Knitting Dyeing Fabrics, Oven Fabrics, Imported Fabrics and Local Fabrics Traders should list your company profile under Fabrics category. List each of the fabrics you work with separately. Stock Lot Listings in Fabrics subcategory with images and details of fabrics in stock. Remember, the more listings you have, the more sales you'll get.
Buying House: All types of Garment Buying Houses can list your company profile in this category. Be sure to list your organization profile accurately and in detail. For better results you can list all the items you work on with details.
Buyer Requirements: Buyers who cannot find a supplier or manufacturer as per their requirements list their requirements in this category. All types of sellers can visit the category and see the buyer's requirements. Besides, if you have any product requirements, you can list it here.
Accessories: Accessories dealers will list in this category. Garments and all types of textile related accessories can be listed in this category. First you will list your organization profile in this category. Then list each of the accessories you work with separately with pictures and descriptions. Remember, the higher the listing, the higher the chance of a sale.
Garment Factory: Export Oriented Garment Factory, Local Factory or Small Garment Factory can list your company profile in this category. Be sure to list your profile with correct and detailed details. Mention the items that your factory handles or manufactures. If there is no work in your factory and you need work, then list your demand in this category with the title Job Requirement with the exact date from which you need the work in the factory. This will enable your factory to work faster. Please mention the capacity of your factory in the listing.
Printing Factory: All types of Garment Printing Factory can list your company profile in this category. You can list each type of printing that your factory does separately with the name of the print in the title. Please mention your capacity in the listing. Remember, the more listings, the more likely you are to get an order. Try to add new listings every week.
Embroidery Factories: All types of embroidery factories can list your company profile in this category. List each type of embroidery your factory does separately. Please mention your capacity in the listing. Post more listings for more orders and add at least one new listing every week for better results.
Textile Mills: Both export oriented textile mills and local textile mills can list your company profile in the said category. Besides, you can list all types of fabrics produced by your company separately in our fabrics category. Be sure to mention your organization's capacity in each listing.
Machines: Manufacturers and suppliers of all types of garments and textile related machines can list your company profile in this category. Besides, you can list each product separately with pictures and details. With each listing, you must specify the delivery time of the product. Do more listings for better results.
Yarn: All types of Yarn manufacturers and suppliers can list your company profile in the said category. List each type of yarn that your company deals with separately. Please state your capacity and delivery time on each listing. If you also want to sell your products through RMG Sector, get orders for factories or get buyers according to your needs then join now at rmgsector.com. Contact our support team.
Mail: support@rmgsector.com
Let's grow our business together.